Service charges

Service charges

Your service charge covers the cost of maintaining your building and neighbourhood. The charge reflects the real cost of providing the service. We do not make a profit.

On this page, you can find helpful information about specific charges, how we calculate them, and more.

How we work out service charges

We calculate service charges based on the previous year's costs, usually adjusting for inflation. However, there may be some changes that are not in line with this. We aim to keep service charges fair and affordable while maintaining the safety and quality of your home and building.

Your service charge covers a range of communal services, which could include:Money Icon

  • Cleaning and upkeep of shared areas.
  • Insurance.
  • Maintenance of lifts and intercom systems.
  • Fire safety equipment checks.
  • Communal utilities like lighting and heating in shared spaces.

You can see a full breakdown in your service charge statement. 

Below, you can also find specific information about what we charge for and how we allocate this.

Paying your service charges

There are a range of different ways you can pay your service charges. Please use the methods below.

Direct Debit

Set it up on a date that suits you, and pay in monthly instalments. Get in touch to set this up with us.

Contact us

Online (AllPay)

Pay online, by phone, or in person at local PayPoint or Post Office locations using your unique Payment Reference Number (PRN) — this can be found on your THCH Payment Card.

Paypoint Locations     Post Office Locations


You can pay over the phone anytime by calling AllPay or THCH (during our office hours). You need your Unique Reference Number (URN), address, and answer to your security question.

If you call THCH out of office hours, press 1 to be transferred AllPay.

AllPay: 0330 041 6497

THCH: 020 7780 3070

Standing order/BACS

You can set up a standing order, or do a BACS payment via your bank. Make sure to put your Unique Reference Number (URN) as the payment reference.

Bank details:
Sort code: 20-00-00
Account number: 33115607

Charges - descriptions and allocations

We regularly review our services to ensure they are effective, and costs reflect actual delivery. Below, you'll find any updates on how charges are set, along with details on what’s included in your service charge. You can also check your statement and see a breakdown of each charge.

Don’t worry — you’ll only be charged for the services provided to your block, not everything listed here. 

Cleaning and upkeep

Charge What is the charge for? How is it allocated?
Caretaking and cleaning Cleaning of shared indoor and outdoor areas such as entrances, hallways, bin stores, and stairwells. The charge covers cleaner salaries, cleaning materials, equipment, van hire and insurance, deep cleans, and rapid response to health and safety risks.

From April 2025, cleaning costs will be evenly split among all residents, ensuring fairness across all THCH blocks, which follow the same cleaning standards and schedule.

To meet demand and maintain high standards in communal spaces, we’ve expanded our cleaning team. The costs are fairly distributed among all homes receiving this service. Each home now contributes £403.33 per year (approximately £7.76 per week) to ensure shared spaces remain clean and well-maintained.

Find out more

Communal window cleaning Cleaning of communal windows, including those on shared doors. Residents are responsible for cleaning their own windows in their home. This charge is shared equally by you and your neighbours in your block.


Environmental and outdoor

Charge What is the charge for? How is it allocated?
Bulk rubbish Regular and on-demand visits to remove large waste items and fly-tipped rubbish from estates, along with related contractor costs (like administration and compliance for waste disposal). Keeping our estates clean is a shared responsibility and is essential for health, safety, and fire prevention.  Residents living on estates managed by us share this cost equally, at approximately £1.77 per week.
Estate maintenance and horticulture

Upkeep of gardens, green spaces, playgrounds, and other outdoor communal areas. Services cover grass and shrub cutting, flower bed care, tree and hedge maintenance, weed control, and litter and leaf clearance.

This charge also includes a programme to service and maintain communal ventilation systems that provide airflow to individual properties – you'll only be charged for this element if it applies to your block  

The charge is split among residents on your estate and depends on the facilities and services available in your area.

Find out more

Pest control Prevention and treatment of pest issues, managed on a case-by-case basis. While treatments typically focus on communal spaces, we may extend services to individual properties to prevent outbreaks, such as bed bugs. 

The charge is shared among residents living on estates for proactive visits, with frequency determined by contractors based on the risk of pests. If there is a pest issue specific to a block, the cost will be shared among residents in that block.

Refuse containers The hiring, maintenance, cleaning, and replacement of large household waste bins (known as ‘paladin’ bins). If your estate has an Underground Refuse System (URS), this charge will cover proactive cleaning and health checks.

The charge is split among residents and depends on the number of paladin bins or URS units on your estate.


Charge What is the charge for? How is it allocated?
Building insurance

Building insurance for your home (not including contents) which covers your property against damage, acts of terrorism, and your liability as a property owner. The premium is provided directly by the insurer and ensures the lowest possible excess payment.

Your premium is based on the estimated cost of rebuilding your individual property, not your entire block.

Click here to visit our detailed website page about this.

Building insurance excess layer This additional coverage may be required because your building is considered higher risk by insurers.

It is based on the estimated cost to rebuild your individual property, not your entire block.

Click  here to visit our detailed website page about this.

Lift insurance An insurance premium for your lift. This charge is based on the number of lifts in your building, shared equally by you and your neighbours.

Click here to visit our detailed website page about building insurance.

Building insurance page

Management and miscellaneous

Charge What is the charge for? How is it allocated?
External review Previously called ‘Audit Fee’, this charge is for an independent review of our service charges to ensure they are correct and fair. This charge is shared equally amongst Leaseholders and Shared Owners. 
Management charge Organising and managing the services provided to your building (e.g. systems, accounting, general overheads, debt recovery, consultations). This is calculated as 15% of your entire service charge.
Third party managing agent A dedicated Managing Agent responsible for overseeing services, handling invoicing, and acting as a point of contact. The charge is set by the Managing Agent and shared equally among you and your neighbours. 

Repairs and maintenance

Charge What is the charge for? How is it allocated?
Communal repairs Reactive repairs and proactive electrical testing in shared areas of your building and surrounding spaces, such as streetlights and pathways. All charges align with the terms of your tenancy or lease agreement.  Charges are based on the estimated repair costs for your block, calculated using the average costs from the previous year.
Communal TV aerial and/or satellite maintenance Maintenance of shared TV aerials and satellites to provide access to terrestrial TV services. If you want additional channels, such as Sky TV, you’ll need to arrange and pay for this separately. If this charge appears on your statement, the cost is split among you and your neighbours.
Entry phone maintenance Maintenance of intercom and key fob systems to ensure secure access to your building. The charge is split among residents in your block and is based on past maintenance costs.
Lift maintenance Regular servicing, testing, and repairs to keep lifts and their emergency phone lines safe and operational. Our lift contractor provides an annual repair estimate based on the lifts’ age and condition, which is used to determine the charge. The charge is then split among residents in your block.
Sewers and drains Repairs to the sewers and drains that serve your block.  The charge is equally split among residents in your block and is based on past repair costs.

Safety and security

Charge What is the charge for? How is it allocated?
Estate security and/or concierge This covers security measures specific to your block or estate, which may include CCTV maintenance (including the internet access), Park Guard patrols, or a concierge service. Charges are based on the security services provided to your block and estate. You’ll only pay for the services that apply to your property, with costs shared among residents.
Fire Risk Assessment

Evaluating potential fire risks in your block. The frequency of assessments depends on the level of risk, as determined by our Fire Risk Assessors - it may be every one, two, or three years. This charge covers the assessment only; any required fire safety equipment or communal repairs are charged separately.

If this charge appears on your statement, an assessment is scheduled for your block this year. The cost is shared among residents.
Fire safety equipment

Regular maintenance, testing, and repairs of essential fire safety equipment such as fire alarms, fire doors, extinguishers, emergency lighting, and other necessary systems.

The frequency of testing depends on the amount of fire safety equipment in your block, and not all blocks will have every type of equipment listed. 

This charge now includes extra resources for better engagement, communication, and safety checks, following new building safety regulations. These costs were not previously part of service charges and are only charged to leaseholders and shared owners.

The cost is equally shared among residents in your block.


Utilities and services

Charge What is the charge for? How is it allocated?
Cold water storage Maintaining the water pumps and tanks that store and supply water to your home. To ensure the system remains clean and safe, this charge includes water risk assessments, which are carried out every two years. If you are charged for this on your statement the costs are shared by you and your neighbours.
Communal electricity Electricity used in shared spaces like hallways, lifts, door entry systems and outdoor lighting.

The charge is split among residents in your block and is based on meter readings from the previous year’s usage.

We have a contract with Monarch Partnership, who secure competitive fixed rates ahead of tariff changes to help manage costs.

Communal heating maintenance Maintenance, safety, testing, servicing and repair work for communal boiler systems. If you are charged for this on your statement, the costs are shared by you and your neighbours.
Personal heating This charge depends on your block’s setup. It covers either heating supplied through a communal boiler for properties without individual heat meters or the electricity costs for storage heaters and hot water immersion heaters. Charges are based on the previous year’s heating consumption for the entire block, as provided by the energy supplier. The total cost is shared equally among residents.
Personal water rates Covers the water used in your home for daily activities like taps, showers, and baths. Since there are no individual water meters, the total water usage for the block - provided by Thames Water - is shared equally among all residents. 

Types of service charges

Service charges usually change each year based on the cost of providing services and factors such as inflation.

We regularly review contracts and look for ways to provide value for money while maintaining quality. We use two types of service charges.

Fixed service charges
Bank iconThese are set at the beginning of the year and don’t change. They are typically used for general needs residents.

Variable service charges
This means the service charge may be adjusted at the end of the year if actual costs vary. This is typically used for leaseholders. More information about this can be found on our actuals page.

Your rights, feedback & support with paying

Can I review my service charges?
Yes. We provide detailed statements showing what’s included. Please contact us if you have any questions about this.

How can I share my feedback?
We value your input. You can help shape services by taking part in budget discussions or letting us know if something isn’t working as it should.

Need help paying your charges? Have questions or concerns?
If you’re struggling, please contact us as soon as possible. We can offer advice, support, or explore payment options to ease the burden.

Contact us at our usual details, or call our Tenancy Sustainment Officer, Abdul Malik, on 020 7780 3077.

Information for general needs residents

As a general needs tenant, your service charge is separate from your rent.

If you need to find information about your rent and how to pay, click below to go to our dedicated page.

Information about your rent