Get involved

Get involved

We believe in working together with our residents to create a strong, supportive community and good quality services. There are plenty of ways you can get involved, share your ideas, and make a difference in your neighbourhood. We want you to help shape THCH.

Why your voice matters

Wellbeing iconBy participating, you’ll help shape the decisions that affect your home and community. Whether it’s improving services, contributing to local projects, or connecting with neighbours, your input makes a real impact.

You can also:

  • Build new skills and gain valuable experience.
  • Meet your neighbours and become part of a vibrant community.
  • Help create positive change in your area.
Be the voice of your community

Be the voice of your community

We’re always looking for better ways to listen to our residents. That's why we have the Resident Voice Panel (RVP). This panel gives residents a real say in how we work—offering feedback on our performance, reviewing policies, and helping shape priorities to ensure we’re fair and making a positive impact.

The RVP, made up of five residents chosen through a careful selection process, acts as a vital link between you and our Board. They meet 2–4 times a year to share insights and make recommendations that reflect the views of our residents.

Join the Resident Voice Panel

Other ways you can get involved in your community

You don't need to be part of the Resident Voice Panel to be an active member of your neighbourhood and community. Here are some other ways you can get involved:

Join or start a resident group

Some of our blocks have resident groups that engage with us regularly (e.g. Charles Dickens House, the Leopold Buildings). See if your block has a group or speak to fellow residents about setting one up. We always want to hear your collective feedback about how we can improve.

Estate inspections

We have started doing regular inspections of our estates, inviting residents to join us and recommend changes and work that needs doing. Look out for communications about this.

Community projects

Get involved in events and initiatives in Tower Hamlets. There are plenty at our community centres, and across the borough.

Feedback opportunities

Whether through surveys, requests for feedback, or engagement events we host, keep an eye out for these opportunities to provide feedback.

We're here to help. Call us on 020 7780 3070 or email us at

Contact us