
Your rent

Your rent contributes to managing, maintaining, and improving your home.

We carefully review and adjust rents annually to stay in line with government guidelines, keeping them affordable for residents while allowing us to reinvest in properties.

Your service charge is separate from your rent and goes towards providing communal services to your building and estate. Click below to find out more about service charges.

Service charges

Rent increase for 2025-26

In line with government guidelines, your rent will increase by 2.7% for the April 2025 to March 2026 financial year. This adjustment means we can continue managing, maintaining, and improving your home. 

Universal Credit

You'll need to update your journal on 1 April 2025 with your new rent amount. Just log into your online account. You cannot do this before 1 April 2024 so make sure you wait until then to do so.

Update your journal

Housing Benefit

If you receive Housing Benefit, then don't worry, we've let your local authority know about your rent. However, it's your responsibility to check that your Housing Benefit calculation reflects this.

Check your Housing Benefit

How to pay your rent

There are multiple ways you can pay your rent. They are:

Direct Debit

The easiest way to pay rent. Set it up on a date that suits you. If your rent changes, we’ll automatically update the charge for you. If you’d like to set up a Direct Debit, just get in touch.

Contact us

Online (AllPay)

Pay online, by phone, or in person at local PayPoint or Post Office locations using your unique Payment Reference Number (PRN) — this can be found on your THCH Payment Card.

Paypoint Locations     Post Office Locations


You can pay over the phone anytime by calling AllPay or THCH (during our office hours). You need your Unique Reference Number (URN), address, and answer to your security question.

If you call THCH out of office hours, press 1 to be transferred AllPay.

AllPay: 0330 041 6497

THCH: 020 7780 3070

Standing order/BACS

You can set up a standing order, or do a BACS payment via your bank. If your rent payment changes, you will need to update the standing order. Make sure to put your Unique Reference Number (URN) as the payment reference.

Bank details:
Sort code: 20-00-00
Account number: 33115607

View your rent account

You can view your rent statement and get a detailed overview of your account at any time. You simply need to call your Income Officer and book a 15-minute appointment. They can guide you through your rent history, arrears, or any other concerns you may have.


Use the details below to find out who your Income Officer is:

All other property types (including garages, sheds and car spaces)

Miriam Asante: 020 7780 3085

Support with your rent

If you're struggling to pay your rent, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We can offer advice and support, and help you set up an affordable payment plan. Our goal is to help you stay on track and avoid any further issues with arrears.

Call our Tenancy Sustainment Officer, Abdul Malik, on 020 7780 3077. If you can't get through, contact us on 020 7780 3070 or and they can put you in touch.

Below you can find links to organisations that can provide debt and money management support and advice for free.

  • Citizens Advice

    Advice about benefits, money management and more.

    Citizens Advice

  • PayPlan

    Free debt advice and help made simple.


  • Shelter

    Money advice as well as specific information about housing, tenancies and homelessness.


  • Money Helper

    Specific advice on benefits, money, mortgages, pensions, homes and much more.

    Money Helper

  • Step Change

    Leading UK debt charity who provide advice, information and support for those experiencing debt.

    Step Change

  • Business Debtline

    Free, impartial, expert debt advice for small business owners and self-employed people.

    Business Debtline

  • Cost of living support - Tower Hamlets Council

    Tower Hamlets Council have produced a booklet all about food and fuel help. 

    Cost of living support - Tower Hamlets Council

We're here to help. Call us on 020 7780 3070 or email us at

Contact us